Wellness is an active pursuit of choices to live a healthier lifestyle. Often when we hear the word wellness, we immediately equate it with physical health. However, wellness is a multidimensional model that consists of 5 elements that are interdependent on each other.

Physical health which translates to an optimal functioning body is repeatedly associated with individual well-being. A healthy body is a body that is well-rested, uninfected, nutrition, able to perform day-to-day tasks, and addiction-free. This can be attained by regular medical check-ups, exercise, a well-balanced diet, and avoiding substance abuse.

As physical health is most people’s top priority, mental health often gets neglected. Mental health includes emotional and psychological well-being. Mental wellness is often portrayed by how we think, feel, and behave. This also influences your self-confidence and motivation to achieve self-actualization. Mental health can be improved by performing effective stress-management, talking to someone you trust about how you feel, and practicing self-care, such as taking a day off from work, or visiting a spa.

Your wellness is also influenced by society. Psychologically, humans need to socialize to feel belonging and trust which allows them to live a meaningful life. Our connections and interactions with people (no, we are not talking about social media) on a day-to-day basis affects your mental wellbeing. To give your social life a boost, try joining clubs and societies at your educational institute, and if you are a working adult, practice a work-life balance that allows you to take some time off for your family and friends.

Spiritual wellbeing is the search for meaning and purpose in human existence by connection with one’s self. It is known to be one of the most powerful sources of strength, inspiration, and motivation on the journey of recovery and healing. Spiritual strength is often extremely personal and means different things to different people. Spirituality lowers anxiety, stress and depression levels and often encourages gratitude and positivity. Spirituality can be achieved through simple acts, such as journaling to connect with one’s self, connecting with nature and appreciating all things around you, or even getting an ayurvedic massage that creates balance between the mind, body, and soul.

Our mind needs to be continuously inspired and exercised just as our bodies do. Intellectual wellness is defined as having an active mind and the will to learn. An intellectual person uses the resources available to expand one’s knowledge and enhance skills. Keeping up-to-date on current trends and participating in activities that stimulate our minds are vital. For some of us, reading a book, brain games, and puzzles engage our minds every day. Intellectually stimulating conversations and debates can strengthen this pillar.
These 5 pillars tell us that wellness is a complex integration that results in a quality life.
With a range of services, Danai Wellness aims to deliver a wholesome wellness guest experience, all at one remedial retreat.
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