Category: Medi-Wellness

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Combating COVID-19 with a Strong Immune System

Combating COVID-19 with a Strong Immune System

COVID-19 is a viral disease that has devastated the entire world in mere months. A year later today, the disease still shows no sign of slowing down. The symptoms of this virus can be easily passed off as a common flu. However, it has the ability to attack the respiratory system, which could ultimately lead...

The Importance of a Good Immune System

The Importance of a Good Immune System

The immune system is essential for human survival. Its main purpose is to defend the body from infectious chemicals, germs, and changes in cells that may make you sick. Without the immune system, you would be constantly falling ill.  The immune system works by recognising the difference between your body’s cells and ‘alien’ cells and...

Look and Feel Better with Stem Cell Therapy

Look and Feel Better with Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells contain an abundance of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that have the capacity to develop into specialised cells in a process called cellular differentiation. MSCs are multipotent and able to become other types of cells, including cells that produce collagen, and support cells for skin enhancement or rejuvenation. Stem cells have greater proliferative and...

Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Boost Your Immune System Naturally

The immune system is an important line of defense in preventing illnesses. If you keep getting sick, it is possible that your immune system is weak. Luckily for us, there are many healthy ways to strengthen the immune system. Here are a few.  Get more sleep Sleep is very important to the body and is...

Stem Cells: A Wellness Superhero

Stem Cells: A Wellness Superhero

Stem cells have a unique, intrinsic property that attracts them to any inflammation in the body. Studies have shown that stem cells can regenerate damaged or diseased tissues, reduce inflammation, and modulate the immune system, thus promoting better health and quality of life. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), for one, are able to migrate and seed...

The Boundless Potentials of Stem Cells

The Boundless Potentials of Stem Cells

Introducing Stem Cells  Stem cells are the body’s raw materials or cells from which all other cells with specialised functions are generated. Under the right conditions, whether in the body or laboratory, the stem cells divide to form more cells. Stem cells have the capacity to both differentiate and multiply into 200 different cell types...

5 Elements of Wellness

5 Elements of Wellness

Wellness is an active pursuit of choices to live a healthier lifestyle. Often when we hear the word wellness, we immediately equate it with physical health. However, wellness is a multidimensional model that consists of 5 elements that are interdependent on each other. Physical Physical health which translates to an optimal functioning body is repeatedly...

[Video] ECP Treatment

[Video] ECP Treatment

Surgery and invasive procedures are not your only options.⁣⁣⁣⁣There is a non-invasive, safe, effective, painless, FDA approved treatment that is successfully proven to reverse the effects of the disease, improve blood circulation, and treat a range of other circulatory disorders.⁣⁣⁣⁣Watch the video to find out more!⁣⁣