With cardiovascular disease being a top global threat, heart health is a critical concern for many people, especially men who, according to research, are twice more likely to get a heart attack than women. This month, in conjunction with World Heart Day, we train the spotlight on heart health.
There are numerous factors that can influence one’s heart health, such as your genetic composition and lifestyle. A comprehensive DNA analysis can provide invaluable insights into the former, revealing your predisposition for heart conditions like high cholesterol, hypertension and other cardiovascular issues. But that’s not all that you will get.
For one, with the identification of genetic markers associated with increased risk of heart disease, you’ll be able to understand your unique risk profile better and take targeted preventive measures. With all the information you need at your fingertips, you will be able to make informed decisions based on your unique genetic profile that can optimise your outcome.
Subsequently, your healthcare provider will be able to help you design a tailored lifestyle plan with recommendations for diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes based on your genetic data. For example, those who have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol can obtain specific dietary guidelines to manage their condition effectively.
A DNA test also facilitates earlier interventional and preventive strategies. Individuals with higher risks of developing heart issues can implement the necessary lifestyle changes and undergo the proper screenings to catch and monitor potential issues before they develop into serious conditions.
Anybody can get a DNA test done. It can be as simple as providing a saliva or blood sample, and will open doors to a wealth of health-related information, including your risk of getting a range of other non-communicable diseases, not just heart-related ones, your metabolic rate, allergies and more!
For those of you who want to live a heart-healthy life but are still on the fence about it, here are some factors to consider in favour of getting a DNA test done:
- If you have parents, siblings, children or other close relatives who suffered or died of a heart attack at a young age.
- If you have parents or close relatives who suffer from heart disease.
- If you have heart issues or symptoms that indicate that you might.
Do note that a DNA report revealing a high risk of heart disease is NOT a death sentence. Instead, it is an opportunity for you to take early action to mitigate these risks. Taking control of your heart health will typically involve a combination of considerations, including possible lifestyle modifications and regular check-ups.
Here’s a quick run-through of some easy lifestyle actions you can take:
- Consume heart-healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats, while reducing intake of salt, saturated fats and trans fats.
- Engage in regular physical activity like brisk walking, jogging or health training to improve circulation, reduce stress levels and maintain a healthy weight.
- Monitor and manage blood pressure and cholesterols
- Avoid smoking
- Limit alcohol intake
- Manage stress levels
Find out your genetic predisposition to heart issues and other diseases as well as how you can optimise your wellness journey with some help and guidance from our professional team at DANAI, today!
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