Health Talk Dates Selection

Our exclusive Summer Radiance event will feature over 15 health talks led by experts and doctors who will provide you with insights into a plethora of health talks on current health themes. These health talks are designed to inform you about your health and how you can now maintain your well-being.

Event venue:
E&O Hotel , Fullerton Ballroom, Level 5

24st July (Sunday)

Root Of Diabetes – Food Or Genetics?Lucas Lim Yang Xian (Dietician90 Consultancy)24th July 2022 (Sunday)10:00am
脾胃疾病的防护与重要性 (Importance Of Preventive Treatment Of Gastrointestinal Disease In TCM Perspective)Mr. Tan Boon Seng24th July 2022 (Sunday)4:00pm
Investor UpdatesMs. Cynthia Tong / Mr. Dennis Tan24th July 2022 (Sunday)6:00pm